Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot!

Yeah, I'm back! I feels so good to be back with my challenge.

Way back on October 19 my hubby experienced a serious car accident. After 2 surgeries and a 2 week stay in the hospital he is now in a rehab facility until his bones are all healed.

Needless to say my time to meet my challenge has been cut down to nothing. Lucky for me and my challenge I'd already done the October 5k (I had a second on planned but missed that one). When I started my challenge really all I wanted was a Turkey Trot to do! but then got this hairbrained idea about one every month to stay in shape!

Today was my Turkey Trot! I had been talking to all of my family about joining me since the entire name of the is "Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5k/Family stroll" but when the accident came around I realized that it was just going to be my youngest son and me!

Here is our before .....

it was a chilly breezy 43ish when we started the race

but warmed right up as the breeze stopped and it got to 50.

Our after picture ....

Notice son's bib number?

We were not alone!

I couldn't believe the mass I crossed the finish line with!

We were both pleased with our unofficial times ~

son somewhere around 35 minutes

Me stuck right where I left off with the last race (6 1/2 weeks ago) with 40 minutes!

and that's with not training, or working out for the past 5 weeks!

yeah me!

it was crazy, it was fun

There were customes, there were turkey hats, there were feathers, there were tutus?, there were kids, grandmas and pa, parents walking with their kids, Young adults running with their parents. There were generations strolling together!

it was a blast!

we'll be doing this again next year!