Monday, December 5, 2011

Latest Before and After Pictures

It's so important in my journey to take pictures of my body. I forget how far I've come, or how much I really did weigh before. I, like all of us sometimes just don't have a realistic view day to day of my body. Pictures help me see the outside reality.

What I see now, I've done a lot of work that I would hate to undo. I have what I've worked for so I don't need or want to blow it now!

I've come along way baby!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot!

Yeah, I'm back! I feels so good to be back with my challenge.

Way back on October 19 my hubby experienced a serious car accident. After 2 surgeries and a 2 week stay in the hospital he is now in a rehab facility until his bones are all healed.

Needless to say my time to meet my challenge has been cut down to nothing. Lucky for me and my challenge I'd already done the October 5k (I had a second on planned but missed that one). When I started my challenge really all I wanted was a Turkey Trot to do! but then got this hairbrained idea about one every month to stay in shape!

Today was my Turkey Trot! I had been talking to all of my family about joining me since the entire name of the is "Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5k/Family stroll" but when the accident came around I realized that it was just going to be my youngest son and me!

Here is our before .....

it was a chilly breezy 43ish when we started the race

but warmed right up as the breeze stopped and it got to 50.

Our after picture ....

Notice son's bib number?

We were not alone!

I couldn't believe the mass I crossed the finish line with!

We were both pleased with our unofficial times ~

son somewhere around 35 minutes

Me stuck right where I left off with the last race (6 1/2 weeks ago) with 40 minutes!

and that's with not training, or working out for the past 5 weeks!

yeah me!

it was crazy, it was fun

There were customes, there were turkey hats, there were feathers, there were tutus?, there were kids, grandmas and pa, parents walking with their kids, Young adults running with their parents. There were generations strolling together!

it was a blast!

we'll be doing this again next year!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My story ~ part 2

if you missed part 1 you can find it here !

I went into that Slim Down with a focus and a drive! I learned to eat healthy and how to workout. Over the next few weeks of that challenge I lost 15 pounds. I didn't win the challenge I came in 3rd place! That was a great challenge for alot of us!

When I finished that Slim Down, my personal trainer (provided in the Slim down) pulled me into her office and asked "What is your next goal?" I can remember telling her that I'd just keep going with what I was doing. She pressed alittle more about a specific goal and I kept telling her I was fine and I didn't really have a goal, "I'd just keep doing what I was doing."

She was firm on that I really needed a goal, and left it at that!

I ended up losing another 15 pounds last summer, but I think I only saw that number for a day!

My oldest son moved back home from college for the summer. He and I have the same food weaknesses, that means that we love the same sorts of food. I used him being home as an excuse to bring some of my favorite foods back into my home. Not only did I bring them back into my home but I started enjoying them also .... it was a slow progression but I fell back into my old ways of eating.

My workouts began to be effected also. I hurt my shoulder in a couple of minor incidents (non workout related) that started the process of it freezing up! I began to be consumed with the pain and my arm last fall. By this time last year, my shoulder was almost totally frozen, I wasn't working out and I was eating everything and anything I wanted. Gaining weight again.

I can remember attending a church meeting last November 13 wearing a skirt that I'd wore all summer that night .

this skirt in the summer

I just knew I was going to bust when I sat down! funny (aka sad) thing was I stopped by a fast food place on the way home and got a burger, as if my skirt wasn't already tight enough.

By Christmas I was up about 15 pounds, and by Spring I'd gained 20 pounds of the 30 I'd lost!

I had surgery on my shoulder and switched physical therapist and things began to look up with my arm. I started working out again slowly! BUT I couldn't get a grip on my eating. I knew I had to be accountable to someone with my eating.

About that time the Y put up notices about their next Slim Down! I signed up. During the Slim downs you have a personal trainer that works out with you and you submit your daily food journal to them! AH, there was my accountable.

Fortunately, it all fall right back into place......
I lost 14 pounds and won this challenge, but when it was over, I remembered those words of my personal trainer from last year's challenge.... "What my goal?" I knew she was right and I had to keep a goal in mind this time.

Stay tuned for the Healthy Adventure challenge.....

Friday, October 14, 2011

Before and Current pictures!

what's gone ... in numbers!

Since May 2, 2011 I no longer have .....

25.3 pounds and 18 inches
-4 chest -5.5 waist
-4.5 hips -4 thing

there are GONE, GONE, GONE!

there was alot of
work, effort, planning, and sweat
to get rid of them but it has all paid off!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My story ~ part 1

I'm sorry for the funky spacing, gotta love blogger ??

What made me decide it was time to

become healthy!

I'm not athletic, I've never been but then a couple of years ago I found myself in the middle of an athletic family.

My husband was a wheelchair sport athlete, until his body said "no more"! Now he still works out by lifting weights, and riding his bike.

I had a naturally athletic son. Everything he decided he wanted try, he worked until he succeeded at, physically. After High School (the time of the picture) he was working out with the goal of setting records in Powerlifting!

Then my youngest son was taking off in swimming. He was a fish! thankfully he was taking after his father and brother and not his Mother!

Just a few days before this picture I had decided that I needed to just love where I was at, size wise, health wise, and look wise. So I was 'enjoying' life with the attitude of "this is who I am"

When I got these picture back (along with all the Christmas pictures) I realized I was the weakest link in my family. weakest athlete, weakest in being healthy, I was not setting a good example in fitness, or healthy eating

and I was not really enjoying my life at this size,

I was just making an excuse.

I didn't really want to look like this

This was not who I wanted to be!

So I needed to change it!

On February 14, 2010 I signed up for my Y's

Slim Down Contest.

this was my BEFORE picture that I took that day!

that day when I walked into the Y,

I remember saying to my self ....

I'm going to do something about my health so


and the adventure began.....

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jared Coones 13 Memorial Pumpkin 5k Run

This morning was my 15th 5k,

and my 5 5k race since starting my Challenge.
Add Image
This was the biggest so far, there had been alot of communication about parking that I was nervous and didn't sleep well last night worrying about the distance parking. I got up and out the door early (6:30am) and was able to park in the parking lot I wanted to ... yea for small blessings. Instead of riding the bus shuttles I walked the just under 1/2 mile to the race start. I really didn't understand the need to ride the bus, I mean PEOPLE if you're able to walk, jog, or run the 5k you could surely walk the 1/2 mile to get there! I will give credit to some they had small children and that may have been too much.

I knew that walking would be an option yesterday when I went to pick up my packet. I drove from the startline to the parking places and knew I could walk it!
My before picture

It was a great morning, 68ish, sunny, but strong winds.

This race takes place in the subdivision, Jared Coones subdivision. It starts at the school he attended and winds around this community. When I say Winds around that's just what I mean. Have you ever been lost in a subdivision?? I have! just winding around and around not ever finding a way out! I felt like this was happening as I was wogging! the great thing was I was with 4000 others winding around too! They even had a drum line for us at one corner! Oh there were plenty of corners ... hence all the winding!

My after picture by the course Map!

Yes, you read it right there were just under 4000 participants for this race. This was my biggest thus far! We started in 2 waves. Depending on your pace time you choose your wave. I was in the second wave by choice.... well I don't wog a 9 minute mile (slowest time for the 1st wave) so it really wasn't be choice was it!?!

Start line ... Wave 2

I was in the wave with the slower joggers, walkers, strollers, and the kid's running clubs. I appreciate that all were included BUT it did take some getting use to wogging with kids around. They are all over the place! I believe some of them ran several more miles since they were zig zagging all over the place. It was wild! I don't believe the zig zaggers were in running clubs. Those kids knew how to run straight lines and pace themselves. They were impressive!

Once again I went into today without much time to work out this week. I worked 4 out of the 5 days this week, it was frustrating for me! My new CardioTracker says that my pace was 12.11 and that would make my time a bit quicker than the last race. I started at a nice pace and was able to jog much longer than usual.

Then I walked the 1/2 miles back to my car!

Official time is 38.54.1

Not my overall best but it was my best for this race!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cerner Slim Down weight out!

This morning I checked out of my Cerner Slim Down weight challenge.

WOW this 10 weeks went fast.
I'm so pleased with the outcome.

so here it is by the numbers.....

I weighted out at 14 pounds lighter
at a weight of 168.2!

chest -1.5"
Waist -1.25"
Hip -1.0"
thigh .75"

it was 7.7% of a weight loss.

Rockin' workout #2 for ROCKTOBER!

This month I'm going to ROCK my health, by taking my diet up a level and making every workout ROCK! it's so easy to get into a rut, and I'm bustin' out this month of ROCKTOBER!

The first 30 minute workout today was this .....

I love these girls and they have some great workouts

that I'm excited to try!

Next I headed to a quiet corner of the Y for a GREAt KettleBall workout out that I've already raved about from ...Womens Health Magazine.
(Sorry I can't get the link to work!)

WOW it really wore out my shoulders, must mean that I needed it!

then I head back to the treadmill for another 30 minutes. This time I followed the Couch to 5k treadmill training. I know I've already conquered the 5k, but there is always room to improve!

After a Month of this kind of workout, this body will be ROCKin'

Saturday, October 1, 2011

10k training ....

I've decided that there won't be anymore Y5k there will only be Y10ks on Saturday! I mean business about getting ready for this 1/2 marathon in April and sticking to a Y5k just wasn't going to get there.

So today I ROCK a 10k training at the Y.

1st 5k 41.36 minutes wogging at a 3.5 incline
2nd 5k 43.11 minutes just walking but used the interval training button on the treadmill to go from a 1 incline at 4.5 mph to a 3 incline at 4.3 mph.

I was getting tired for the second and my arms/shoulders were aching. I just wanted to hang on to the treadmill arms, then I would hear the Biggest Loser trainers screaming at me "Let go of MY treadmill" that was hard, I was tired!

I can now see how walking at this pace is a whole body workout. I thought about how if I'd strengthen my core and my shoulders this 10k would become easier. That's what I'll work at in this month!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday's Motivation!

Taking it facebook ....

A couple of weeks ago I moved this blog to Facebook. I'll still post here so you don't need to move but I'm there everyday! Just search for "Body Don't Fail Me Now"

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Kade Meyers Celebration Run 5k ~ literally from the Couch to this 5k!

There is a fitness/running program that helps you go from sitting on the couch to running a 5k called obviously "Couch to 5k" hey go check it out here. But this week I was sick! So sick that I would just move from the bed, get my youngest son out the door to meet the bus, watch to make sure he got on the bus and lay down on the couch for my morning nap! Which for a couple of days it would turn into an afternoon nap. AND then turn in around 8:30pm. It was a mess in my head that was horrible and pounding.

When I started to recover I recovered quickly, each day was so much better than the day before that I was beginning to think that could actually be able to keep with my challenge of doing a 5k every Saturday.

It was late last night that I decided that if I simply needed to 'do' a 5k to keep with my challenge then why not go to the race and simply just 'do' a 5k vs going to the Y and doing a 5k there. I didn't need to over do this 5k, I just need to finish it!

So I got my things ready .....

Pinned my bib on

(which had my chip attached, a first for me!)

and got my old wogging shoes.

They are the most comfortable,

it was like taking my favorite blanket with me!

Got my arm band for my phone ready and went to bed.

I got there early

Got a stranger in the parking lot to take my 'before' picture.

Oh and wait, let chat about the shirt.

When I went to get my race packet and shirt, they handed me my shirt.

as I walked to the car I was checking the shirt out and immediately thought, "Oh, this is WAY too small, I'll have to pass it down to my youngest son" tossed it in the seat and drove home.

When I got home it was laying across the back of a chair, so I paused to look at it again and decided to slip it on. I'm a fool for trying on the impossibly small things then finding that I can't get back out of them. Oh, don't laugh you've done it too!

But when I slipped this on, it FIT! perfectly!

Something else I realized was that I've always hated to wear crew neck anything, they just choked me ... well, that was because my neck was too fat! a couple of weeks ago I realized that crew necks were just fine. Isn't it funny how and where our bodies store FAT!??

Ok back to the race ... sorry got side tracked there.

this was family oriented event,

it was the Kade Meyer Celebration run

Kade Meyer was a little boy (2nd grade) that was tragically killed last September when he ran out in front of car. He was just getting out of school, walking to his Dad's office (asst HS principal) when he was stuck and killed. Even though this was not our school district (it is the one just north of us) we, as mother's knew the pain. Boy we were a basket case of emotion this week.

They are doing scholarships for Kade's memorial through the year he would have graduated. The receiptant must emcompass compassion, because in 1st grade Kade had earned the Compassion Award for his class.

"If you want others to be Happy,

Practice Compassion,

If you want to be Happy,

Practice Compassion"

(see emotional, huh?)
Oh and look I had friends there, too!

this is my workout partner from this summer and her son.

as well as others that we couldn't always find

(there were 1000 participants in the 1st annual, Yay!)

and another Personal Record for me!

so it was really a Couch to 5k for me this week...

chip time was 38.22.7

that's 23 seconds off last week's time

hey, I'm old, I'll take every second I can shave off!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

September's 5k "Dot to Dot"

This morning I was up early and left early for

There weren't too many cars out with me this early on a Saturday morning!

All of my races are attached to a charity,

but this one was the first where they talked about their experience.

Paulina Cooper died 7 years ago from a brain tumor.

(before race pic)

This race is to raise funds for pediatric brain tumor research. Paulina's mother spoke, then they awarded a couple of families that have been effected by brain tumors. It was emotional for me. New experience for me at a race.

Always a pleasurable first stop for me!

course was a mixture of tall buildings and tree lined streets....

there was even a fountain!

I finished with a new personal best

Official time ...

chip time 38.45.9 Under 40 minutes.

UPDATED now that I know what gun time is and chip time.

Chip time is what really counts, but the gun time should be longer than the chip time

sooo, I rechecked and they are backwards ... I did much better than I thought!

The weather was chilly

55ish, cloudy but the rain held off!

no breeze!

I really could have pulled off a better time.

I decided to try a new phone app that worked off my phone's GPS

to track my progress, time and speed.

it also had a music feature.

in the last 1/2 miles my music tuned down,

so I thought it would be a quick adjustment

to just turn it back up.... no the volume shot up to full blast!

I didn't stop wogging, but I was distracted with trying to get it fixed.

Looking back there was just 1/2 mile left! goodness I should have just yanked my

ear phones out and wogged on!

I'll know next time!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bad Good News and Just Plain Good news!

Ok the Bad Good News first ... This past July I ordered a clearance sweater from Lands End. I ordered a couple of different styles in sizes XL and L. I finally decided to keep the Large. I tucked it away until it was cool enough to wear it! Today was the day, it was chilly I got it out to wear, it's TOO BIG! :0) YAY me!

Good News, I had a meeting at a local dress shop. When I got there the owners were busy so I started looking around (they have really cute things and pretty good prices a combination that I like), and slipping a couple of jackets on, much to my surprise (even through I'd just discovered Larges were too big) they were MEDIUMS!

I really didn't think I'd ever really be able to wear Mediums, due the way my body is made. I have a larger top than bottom (if you get my drift) and I'm a pear shape when heavy. But after all my hard work and effort this summer I was able to slip into Mediums and they looked good. Yeah, you know sometimes we can slip a smaller size on but it doesn't look good! Don't cha??

HAPPY happy ME!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How I eat ... Part 1

Earlier this summer when I was really searching and researching what and how to eat I came across this article by Cheryl Forberg;

Now I didn't know who Cheryl Forberg was until I read it,

she's the nutritionist on the Reality Show
I took this article to heart and started to think before I ate!

I looked at what she documented when talking with the in-coming contestants about their eating habits. I was basically living the same things they were saying!

Go ahead take the time to read it!

Think about it!

Can it help you eat better?

Monday, September 12, 2011

weigh in ......

today I weighed in at 173.85

chest ... 35.50
waist ... 33.50
hips.... 29.25
thigh... 21.00

I'm down 2.25 inches since Sept 1 and down 1.2 pounds!

Choose our Calories wisely .....

Always remember Veggies are our get Healthy friends!

Monday's Motivation!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years ago....9/11/01

‎10 years ago today I was getting ready for an upcoming 5k, my sciatica was acting up, I was limping. **

Turned on the tv just in time see the report that plane had hit the first tower, & watched in horror as the 2nd hit. Later I took my oldest (10 at the time) to my dad for a fishing trip. To reassure him of his safety I told him that we lived & he'd be in a very low populated area& that it seemed that the terrorist were going for highly populated areas. I also remember telling him that 'our world would never be the same'.

The next Saturday was my 5k, I remember wondering if I should go, was I safe?? We started with a moment of silence.

That race was across a local dam. That Dam had a walk way where you could go out over the water, also where the controls of the dam are. Later that week, the walk way was closed due to safety issues and it's not ever reopened.

** this was a prelude to my ruptured disc acting up and my back "going out" was down for several weeks after the race ***

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Y 5k/10k and Squaturday!

Today I decided to serious push myself with the 10k training.

5k in 41.3 minutes, second 5k in 43.15 minutes
10k in 1 hour 24 minutes

For the 1st 5k I was able to jog (4.7mph) for a full 5 minutes and then walk (4.3mph) 5 minutes. I was so pleased with this. I've never been able to keep that pace for the entire 3.1 miles. For the second 5k I kept and pushed myself to maintain a 4.5 mph for half mile increments then I'd drop to 4.2 mph. I have room to improve with the second but since I didn't know what to expect from the second 5k, so I'm very pleased that I was basically able to kept the same pace. YAY ME!

AND of course it is Squaturday! I left the Y and forgot to do them but the great thing about squats you can do them anywhere!

Did you know that practically everything you do is either a squat (sitting down and getting up from a chair) or a lunge (walking, getting up from the floor, climbing stairs)? If you keep those squat and lunge muscles in shape you'll be able to keep moving with ease alot longer in life!
"Those who think they have no time for

Bodily exercise will sooner or later

have to find the time for illness."

Edward Stanley

We all a choice!

make it wisely

there are consequences

for what we choose!

it's never too late to start

Moving that body!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Constant Challenge and school lunches ....

Finding time for working out is always a challenge. As I've mentioned before we, as women quite often have the need to 'help' everyone else before we'll help ourselves. I fit right in that category.

I am mainly a stay at home mom, but I do also work as a substitute teacher. This week I worked 2 1/2 days. I didn't have a problem working out the after I got off for the half day. I had an appointment with my personal trainer, I had to go. On the days that I worked the full days, I just didn't make it! After working an entire day, I had errands to run and a child and family to care for. I just didn't see that I could make time for me!

It's wrong for me to think this way, but it's the mind set I have when I work all day. I really like to workout in the mornings so in the late afternoon just isn't my time! I just want to come home and be "in the" quiet.

I need to work on this, but once again it's a mental issue, not a physical issue. My body could do it, if my mind could just get over it!

I don't really have a problem with my diet. I don't eat a school lunch, I don't really think I have to explain that (!?!) now do I? I have stopped eating in the teacher's lounge. I'm highly swayed by smell, and there are all sorts of great smelling food in that lounge. From the school lunch smells which take me take to the comfort of Elementary school and the smells of their home brought left overs. I eat in the class room so my healthy food doesn't have to compete with those wonderful smells.

This week I took the great grilled chicken, spinach wrap from our supper a couple of nights ago. I also make sure I take enough snacks to not be STARVING at any time! I also try to eat a snack right before I leave the school, so I don't come home and just veg out! I also take a couple of bottles of water so I can stay hydrated throughout the day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Favority low fat, Very TASTEY meal

Having on my favorite quick suppers tonight. grilled Chicken breast (coated in olive oil, garlic powder, & Parm cheese) chopped then put in WWlow fat tortilla wrap with spinach, and favorite veggie, for crunch I add toasted almond slices and a fat free dressing (optional).

I'll take this for my lunch the next couple of day.... if there's any left!

working on my wings

I've had my last 2 PRIZE Personal Training session yesterday and today. Yesterday we worked on shoulders, triceps, and chest, and today we worked on back, legs and core.

As yesterday wore on I could feel the soreness start in my shoulders... As I was working on my shoulder blades this morning, I just had to think I was working on my 'Wings'

I love it the soreness now!

Now it's up to me to decide if I'll continue with the Personal Training. BUT Jenna really went out with a BANG! I love these to workouts! it'll be hard to have the same effect without her. I don't know if I have it in me!?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Body Don't Fail Me Now kind of day!

Great cardio workout this morning, then squating, bending and lifting while laying block in the yard all afternoon, now to start laundry going up stairs and downstairs for the rest of the night. I'll be glad for this holiday to be over!

This has been a true .. Body Don't Fail Me Now day!

Great New Kettle Ball Workout!

I did this work out this morning

well, parts of it because I forgot to take the list with me!?!

But it was still a great workout.

You can find the whole thing HERE

Sunday, September 4, 2011

09/01/2011 Picture

Here is my latest Pic

weighing in at 175 pounds

and feeling good.
If I'd know how good I'd feel I would have never gained the weight, actually if I'd know how bad I would feel with the weight I wouldn't have gained it!

Sunday is a day of Rest

Sundays are my day of rest. Rest from exercise and counting calories.

The exercise is a given, my body needs a day off to rest and repair. I take Sunday and usually Friday off every week.

I also take the day off from counting calories. I've found that this keeps my body from feeling deprived from anything. I have whatever I want in any amount that I want. Over time I've found that I no long crave those sugary, sweet, fatty foods, even on Sundays. If I want it I can have on Sundays. I've found that I don't feel good on the Sundays that I just binge everything. Early on when I started my healthy life adventure I would find myself unable to move off the couch by the end of Sunday evening. All that sugary sweet fatty foods just made me sick. I didn't realize just how yucky I felt, until I didn't eat that way anymore!

I've also found that my body doesn't go through a plateau period if I eat more calories once a week. My body doesn't go into that starvation mode. BUT I can also say that eating healthy means that you eat alot of food!

More and More I find myself picky healthy choices and just eating healthy on Sundays also.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Y 5k and Squaturday!

I pushed myself, I really (REALLY) want to get my 5k under 40 minutes! I'm so close in a race where I can't see how fast my wogging (walking/jogging) so I push myself. When I'm on the treadmill I just don't go as fast! I'm a visual person so I'm busy watching the speed and time.

Today I made the focus on Speed and time. I'll jog (4.8 mpg) for 10 minutes or 5 minutes. I used that 'little voice' that usually tells me how short of breath I am, or how fast my heart rate is, or how achy my legs are to encourage me. "You CAN do this!" "it's only 3 more minutes you HAVE this" are what the little voice said today!

I got my 5k done in 41.55! not under 40 but still good.
I start out with the incline at a 3 and then after 20 minutes lower it to a 2.5, then down to 2 at 30 minutes. In the last few minutes it gets lowered slowly whenever I need it to 1.5

I feel GREAT for pushing myself and gaining control for that little voice!

I stopped then and did my Squaturday challenge 100 squats! I did sets of 20 with 5 different types of squats!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's a two workout day! and say HI to my best friend Advil!

I had a session with my Personal Trainer Jenna this morning!

I just wanted to document how nasty sweaty I get and how nice and pretty she stays.

Oh, yeah it's a love hate relationship!

But we did get to use the slick mat and I ice staked, that was so fun!

Now for my second workout for the day....

it was/is a back, leg and arm workout

It was over 100

on September 1st!??!?

I don't mind sweating

as long as the humidity is low.

It was low today with a strong wind!

So one side down another to go!

Now off to take Advil

my new best friend!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hump day workout

Today once again was a mix it up day. Our bodies get use to doing the same thing over and over again. Our muscles have memory and they will work on the same way over and over again without really much effort.

SO on Wednesdays I try to Mix it up.

I do my 10/10/10 x2 workout!

I spent 10minutes on the treadmill at a 4.5 incline and 4.5 mph. I switch back and forth from walking to jogging. This is tough for me, but I'm a visual person so I watch the timer. It's only 10 minutes I can do it!

Then ..
I switch to the stationary bike for 10 minutes with a resistance of 15. This is also tough for me! but again it's only 10 minutes.

Then ...
I switch to the elliptical for a crossramp of 20 and a resistance of 20.

All of these are at the top of my ability, but it switches the muscles in my legs causing them train and not run on memory.

I go through the machines again, 10 minutes again on each, but with lower speeds and inclines. it's not 'I'm going to die before the 10 minutes is up' time, it's a "I'm working but I'm good' time.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Personal Trainer Day 1

As the winner of the Y's Slim Down challenge I won 4 1 hour sessions with a Personal Trainer! Just the Trainer and Me! .... for 1 hour... Me and her, 60 minutes.

It was good, considering I didn't do any upper body last week and knew it was going to be hard.

We did .....
Pulling her with the rope
triceps weights
up right rows (shoulders)
push back (shoulders)
over head weights (shoulders)
bench press
step up
inch worm (core, not my favorite but I did them)
ball against the wall
planks (core)
superman (core)
circle 8 (core)

for 60 minutes, just Jenna and I!
well, not Jenna doing, she counts .. I do!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Y 5

After not working out all week, I just wasn't in the mood to do it today. My body was sore all over and that little voice in my head was telling me that I just didn't have the energy to do it today. thankfully I remembered my Challenge ... It was Saturday and I needed to do a 5k today!

I sat right here and went through my Motivational things in PINTEREST found things like this .......

So even though I still didn't want to workout when I got to the Y I still did it. About 7 to 10 minutes into the workout it was Game on! I was in the mode and trying to improve that 5k, feeling great and glad to be there!

I got my 5k done in 42 minutes flat. During the first few minutes I was just walking, and not too quick at that! so my time was pretty quick once the endorphins kicked in.

After the 3.1 miles I played around with the incline for the remaining 18 minutes of the hour. I finished with a 4.45 miles in 60 minutes.

I may be sore tomorrow but I won't be sorry! Yea ME!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

what a week.

I've had to put working out on the back burner this week.

I got a workout in Monday then for lunch at a fabulous black bean and brown rice burrito. When I went to put lettuce on it a piece dropped to the counter.....I picked it up popped it in my mouth... chomped down and cracked 2 teeth!

These were teeth we (the dentist and I) were watching and waiting for the cracks to begin! So this little piece of lettuce was the trick!

It wasn't too painful but I couldn't eat on that side, I could only drink out of straw so working out was going to a challenge. I tried walking but the bounce was too much so I went to the bike. That worked!

I got my crown (part one) yesterday (Wednesday) so things are super sensitive today.

I'm hoping to get the Y tomorrow afternoon ... at least to weigh! That should be a good number!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Y 5

Today was another Saturday with another 5k towards my Challenge.


Today I decided that I was going to start working towards my "moving to a 10k" goal. I was going to "wog" (walk/jog) at a race pace for the entire 1 hour. I averaged a pace of 4.5 mph so I ended up with 4.5 miles! I am pleased!

I signed up for my next 5k this past week. I had the choice of the 5k or a 10k. I really wanted to register for the 10k but knew I'd better train for it before I took the plunge. So dive in is what I did today.

I have been thinking that I was jogging at a pace that was too face for me! On the treadmill I jog at 5 mph and really can't go very long. So today I moved it down to 4.8mph and was able to jog for 10 minutes and then rest walk for 10 minutes. Since this was new for me, I couldn't really do it for the entire hour but it was an encouraging start!

My weight has just been stuck! it's getting frustrating since I have turned down some really tempting and tasty things and it still stays the same. I know it will break through but really... REALLY!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday's Cardio workout

today was a 10/10/10 x2 day.

10 on the treadmill 4mph with an incline of 5
10 on the recumbent bike resistance at 12
10 on the elliptical 20 incline 20 resistance

then back start them again only abit more easier
10 on the treadmill 4 mph with an incline of 3.5
10 on the bike resistance at 9 (that was really too easy probably will go with a 10 next time)
10 on the elliptical 6 incline with a 15 resistance

My legs are tired!
I'm all sweaty!
and ready to conquer the day!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mix it up.... in the water

I needed to modify a couple of things:

Like the pool side sit ups, I had to do them on the ladder.

Also the Up and Outs, I don't know what was wrong there just didn't work the way I thought they would. As a matter of fact they didn't happen at all! I made up for that by just swimming, kicking mostly and doing the back stroke.

I liked this workout, it worked my muscles in a new way. That's always a good thing. Yes, I'm already sore (just a hours after the fact).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Movation for Monday

This is a hard concept for women. We like to make sure everyone is taken care of before we walk out the door to do something for us! RIGHT?? I once read a book that started out with a story of the author whose husband gave her an afternoon off from being the mom and wife. She could go do anything SHE wanted. She first of all ran her errands then she sat, and she sat she sat in a parking lot because she could not think of one thing she wanted to do for herself. By the time it was over she was crying, she knew she was someone's wife, someone's mother, someone's child, but she wasn't something on her own. You are good enough to take care of!

I am worth the time it takes to exercise

I am worth the time it takes to eat right

I am worth it, period!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday's Y 5

Ok I've just been in funk the past couple of days. I'm sure it's a result of all the funk junk that I've eaten.

It was a real struggle getting myself out of the house to get my challenged 5k in but I did it!

It was a Y 5 today. I did 3.1 miles in 42.40.

I slowed down and finished at 3.22 in 45 minutes and then switched to the recumbent bike and rode for 15 more minutes (2.6 miles). I then did one circuit with weights (upper body and abs).

OK confusion time ... I stepped on the scale. It wasn't pretty but this trip to the Y was to get me back on track! I have work to do.

I chatted with Rusty about what his 'turn 'n burn' was all about. FEAR and mental adjustment is what I need. Those and a desire to workout late at night. That's probably the biggest challenge for me!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vacation Frustration

I know it's never bad to just take a vacation from working out and I know it's not bad to relax your standards of strict eating on vacation. BUT I just returned from 1st a weekend of wonderful family reunion food. I was all good and if that had been my only time to binge it would have been good! BUT we (my youngest son and I) turned right around and left on a mini waterpark vacation with grandma.

My mother is the one that taught me to eat. To eat unhealthy. It's just the way she was raised and she's always prided herself on being a good cook. I was so disappointed in myself at how quickly I just slide right back into that habit.

I had checked to see what kind of snacks she was taking and brought my healthier snacks (hummus, wholy guacamole, triscuits and carrots), so I did get a couple of veggies in. But the scales were not balanced and the temptations were too great. Really who can turn down a pile of M&M's or homemade chocolate chip cookies for a carrot!?

I'm just chalking it up to a learning experience and moving forward. Or moving forward after this junk food fog leaves my body!

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's really all Mental

I was just thinking this morning of how my efforts with exercise is all really a mental thing.

I lack confidence with my body, with my ability and with my endurance.

More times than not I just need someone (my trainer) to say "you can do this".

This really says it all, that little voice that says, "lets quit" is a very strong force!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Race for the Stars

Today was the

"Race for the Stars"


I knew this course and was mentally

alittle weary of it but I also knew that I could do it.

OK this picture doesn't do it justice!

It's a monster of a hill with a steep incline!

and we had to do it twice!

Did you hear me?

2 times up this baby?

right in the middle of the race

Action Shot or Silly Shot??

I am beyond happy with my time!

I did this 5k in 40.40. Just 5 seconds more than my Prairie Punisher time . The Prairie Punisher was basically a flat course. There was one very slow rising hill but other than it was FLAT! So for me to add this Monster of a hill twice & in an extra 5 seconds


One Picture.. says it all!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Metro Slim Down

Last week we started a Metro wide Slim Down challenge.

I took a few days off from workout hard,
and being so strict with my diet.

Had a Birthday, and Birthday cookies.

But now I'm back on track.

Working hard and Eating right.

Semi Private training

As part of my winning the Y's Slim Down. My team won semi private training.

We've been meeting with our trainer 2 times a week for the past couple of weeks.

Today we got to BOX!

it was so tiring ~
it was so physical ~
but it was so much FUN!

Says it all....

Prairie Punisher 5k

This morning G and I were up and out the door by 5:45am.

Our Prairie Punisher 5k started at 7am.

Our before race picture .....

G did his 5k in 37.02
Me in 40.35 minute

This Race is really a Dualthon. That's the main draw for people who do Triathlons.
A Dualthon is running a 5k, biking 21 miles and then running a 5k again!
Crazy people! Fun to watch but Crazy all the same!


Lost 13 pounds and 7 inches in 6 weeks!

No pills, no drinks, just by the sweat of my brow!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday's workout

Today I pressed to do a 5k as quick as I could.

42.28minutes for today's 5k
then I finished my hour of walking with 4.2 miles.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Y Slim Down 2011

I've signed up to do the Y's 2011 Slim Down.

It's been 2 weeks.

I started at 190.

First week's weigh in I had dropped 5 pounds to a fabulous 185!

Second week's weigh in I dropped another 3 pounds for an Awesome 182!

and I fit into my last year Capri pants! yay me!

I always do 60 minutes of cardio.....

but then have a Physical trainer session one day

Do the weight machines 2 days.

I've made the goal to run/walk/jog a 5k

every month from now until November

(I couldn't find one in December)

After a couple of months I'll switch to 10k


Well, I didn't make my 1/2 marathon goal, as a matter of fact I didn't even make the 5k goal either!

I had to have shoulder surgery late January. The doctor knew of my goal and promised me that I'd be fine in a week or two! Well, obviously this doctor hadn't ever had a frozen shoulder, hadn't been my age and didn't know the recovery time.

I tried to see what I could do March 1st and that wasn't good!

I had a good 3 months of therapy on my shoulder and didn't start exercise again steady until June 1st!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowned in with my panic on day 79!

Well, after my sign up for the 1/2 marathon, my panic to start working out! It snowed....and snowed. I was snowed in for 2 days. No school, no going anywhere!

Today I finally got the Y where I walked
4:65 miles in 1 hour and 5 minutes.

I have to walk at least 4.3 miles per hour to finish within the 3 hour time limit.
Today I walked one mile at 4.3
two and a quarter at 4.4
and the last 3/4 at 4.5
then the last 5 minutes were the machine's cool down.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

82 days and counting ......

.......and PANICKING!

I signed up for the Half Marathon tonight and it's in 82days!

April 2nd is in 82 days!
I'll be there!
I'll be ready!