Saturday, September 3, 2011

Y 5k and Squaturday!

I pushed myself, I really (REALLY) want to get my 5k under 40 minutes! I'm so close in a race where I can't see how fast my wogging (walking/jogging) so I push myself. When I'm on the treadmill I just don't go as fast! I'm a visual person so I'm busy watching the speed and time.

Today I made the focus on Speed and time. I'll jog (4.8 mpg) for 10 minutes or 5 minutes. I used that 'little voice' that usually tells me how short of breath I am, or how fast my heart rate is, or how achy my legs are to encourage me. "You CAN do this!" "it's only 3 more minutes you HAVE this" are what the little voice said today!

I got my 5k done in 41.55! not under 40 but still good.
I start out with the incline at a 3 and then after 20 minutes lower it to a 2.5, then down to 2 at 30 minutes. In the last few minutes it gets lowered slowly whenever I need it to 1.5

I feel GREAT for pushing myself and gaining control for that little voice!

I stopped then and did my Squaturday challenge 100 squats! I did sets of 20 with 5 different types of squats!

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