Friday, September 9, 2011

Constant Challenge and school lunches ....

Finding time for working out is always a challenge. As I've mentioned before we, as women quite often have the need to 'help' everyone else before we'll help ourselves. I fit right in that category.

I am mainly a stay at home mom, but I do also work as a substitute teacher. This week I worked 2 1/2 days. I didn't have a problem working out the after I got off for the half day. I had an appointment with my personal trainer, I had to go. On the days that I worked the full days, I just didn't make it! After working an entire day, I had errands to run and a child and family to care for. I just didn't see that I could make time for me!

It's wrong for me to think this way, but it's the mind set I have when I work all day. I really like to workout in the mornings so in the late afternoon just isn't my time! I just want to come home and be "in the" quiet.

I need to work on this, but once again it's a mental issue, not a physical issue. My body could do it, if my mind could just get over it!

I don't really have a problem with my diet. I don't eat a school lunch, I don't really think I have to explain that (!?!) now do I? I have stopped eating in the teacher's lounge. I'm highly swayed by smell, and there are all sorts of great smelling food in that lounge. From the school lunch smells which take me take to the comfort of Elementary school and the smells of their home brought left overs. I eat in the class room so my healthy food doesn't have to compete with those wonderful smells.

This week I took the great grilled chicken, spinach wrap from our supper a couple of nights ago. I also make sure I take enough snacks to not be STARVING at any time! I also try to eat a snack right before I leave the school, so I don't come home and just veg out! I also take a couple of bottles of water so I can stay hydrated throughout the day.

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