Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Alright this is a bummer!

I have to admit that YES, working out makes me feel better BUT it's also great wear and tear on my body.

Over this summer my left shoulder has slowly stopped moving. I continued to work it out, until recently. It's still strong. It's just getting more and more unmoveable!

I went to the doctor the first of September. He said I had impegment and all I needed some Physical Therapy.

Since I was working out already, and I was super busy running back and forth, running like crazy. I didn't go for PT.

Now, it's no longer just impingement it's the next level, something capsulise. and PT 2 times a week for 6 weeks!

OH and an cortisone shot.

No more strengthen my arm, only stretching it!

He's not sure there isn't some sort of tear, BUT my arm is still strong so there is a good chance it just doesn't want to move. Even if there is something that requires surgery, I still have to have PT before he could even do surgery.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Back at it!

I want to walk a half marathon in the spring,
so I've found a plan to get me there.
It's a 14 week plan all set up!

Today I didn't think I was ready to start quite
where the plan starts (4miles)
so I'm working on pre plan.

Today I walked 3 miles in about 45+ minutes
(I had to go to the bathroom in the middle so
the time got off, but I watched the miles)

I weight this morning at the gym and I was 181!
That's just too much, gained!