Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jared Coones 13 Memorial Pumpkin 5k Run

This morning was my 15th 5k,

and my 5 5k race since starting my Challenge.
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This was the biggest so far, there had been alot of communication about parking that I was nervous and didn't sleep well last night worrying about the distance parking. I got up and out the door early (6:30am) and was able to park in the parking lot I wanted to ... yea for small blessings. Instead of riding the bus shuttles I walked the just under 1/2 mile to the race start. I really didn't understand the need to ride the bus, I mean PEOPLE if you're able to walk, jog, or run the 5k you could surely walk the 1/2 mile to get there! I will give credit to some they had small children and that may have been too much.

I knew that walking would be an option yesterday when I went to pick up my packet. I drove from the startline to the parking places and knew I could walk it!
My before picture

It was a great morning, 68ish, sunny, but strong winds.

This race takes place in the subdivision, Jared Coones subdivision. It starts at the school he attended and winds around this community. When I say Winds around that's just what I mean. Have you ever been lost in a subdivision?? I have! just winding around and around not ever finding a way out! I felt like this was happening as I was wogging! the great thing was I was with 4000 others winding around too! They even had a drum line for us at one corner! Oh there were plenty of corners ... hence all the winding!

My after picture by the course Map!

Yes, you read it right there were just under 4000 participants for this race. This was my biggest thus far! We started in 2 waves. Depending on your pace time you choose your wave. I was in the second wave by choice.... well I don't wog a 9 minute mile (slowest time for the 1st wave) so it really wasn't be choice was it!?!

Start line ... Wave 2

I was in the wave with the slower joggers, walkers, strollers, and the kid's running clubs. I appreciate that all were included BUT it did take some getting use to wogging with kids around. They are all over the place! I believe some of them ran several more miles since they were zig zagging all over the place. It was wild! I don't believe the zig zaggers were in running clubs. Those kids knew how to run straight lines and pace themselves. They were impressive!

Once again I went into today without much time to work out this week. I worked 4 out of the 5 days this week, it was frustrating for me! My new CardioTracker says that my pace was 12.11 and that would make my time a bit quicker than the last race. I started at a nice pace and was able to jog much longer than usual.

Then I walked the 1/2 miles back to my car!

Official time is 38.54.1

Not my overall best but it was my best for this race!

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