Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hump day workout

Today once again was a mix it up day. Our bodies get use to doing the same thing over and over again. Our muscles have memory and they will work on the same way over and over again without really much effort.

SO on Wednesdays I try to Mix it up.

I do my 10/10/10 x2 workout!

I spent 10minutes on the treadmill at a 4.5 incline and 4.5 mph. I switch back and forth from walking to jogging. This is tough for me, but I'm a visual person so I watch the timer. It's only 10 minutes I can do it!

Then ..
I switch to the stationary bike for 10 minutes with a resistance of 15. This is also tough for me! but again it's only 10 minutes.

Then ...
I switch to the elliptical for a crossramp of 20 and a resistance of 20.

All of these are at the top of my ability, but it switches the muscles in my legs causing them train and not run on memory.

I go through the machines again, 10 minutes again on each, but with lower speeds and inclines. it's not 'I'm going to die before the 10 minutes is up' time, it's a "I'm working but I'm good' time.

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