Saturday, April 24, 2010


OK, I've been coasting this week on my exercise and counting calories.
I haven't eat bad things but I haven't been counting or paying much mind to portions.
It's not anyone needs to tell me because the scale has told me enough!
Time to stop coasting and get on with the show!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hello my name is Shelly and I'm an addict.....

OK, it's time for me to discuss my addiction to High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS).

It's real, It's addictive and it's everywhere!

I know that if I eat something sweet for breakfast I'm doomed all day.
I'm snacky, I wander around the kitchen wondering what there is to eat.
If I can stay away from HFCS then I'm fine and relatively satisfied all day.

Now that I've been off (or much lower amounts) HFCS for several weeks, junk food and sweets still have their appeal (due to mental conditioning) but they don't taste good.

I generally take weekend off from counting calories and eat basically anything I want. I found 3 oreos, popped them in my mouth and they were nasty tasting. When I was done I thought these weren't worth the calories at all! I'd done the same thing with some M&Ms at Easter. I popped a few in my mouth and swore they were dark chocolate. This is not to say I couldn't go ahead and nibble the entire bag of either goodies! Eating for me is just as much mental has it is taste and necessity.

Watching what I eat is and will be a constant issue.

Results ~ April 22

- 3/4 of a pound
- 2 inches
Yay for me!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I love it....

I have something that my totally in shape, stinking muscular 19 year old son doesn't have. Yea, he doesn't have this muscle and I'm so thrilled.

Do you know how many times I've tried to enjoy my new found muscles only for him to flaunt his fantabulous muscles in my face? WAY too many times! OH, I got off the point there....

In the front of my shins, when I flex my foot I have this muscle that beautifully appears. When I showed it off to stinking muscular son ... BAM ~ he had nothing! He then had to put on the mental cap and figure out what I was doing that he wasn't!

LOVE that moment!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14 ~ Results

-2 pounds
-zero inches
This marks
Super YAY for me!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

is it the same?

Today I'd seen a lady that I'd not really seen since Christmas. She kept going on about how good I looked.

She said it just I was getting into the car with my buddy, Stephanie. I closed the door I turned to Stephanie and said, "is that the same as her saying 'Boy, you use to look horrible?'"

We had a good laugh.

Monday, April 12, 2010

This great little guide is one of my favorites.
It's just chuck full of healthy tidbits!
I've just learned about that age old question
stick margarine?
tub spreads?
OK I'm sure the rest of you have all this down and KNOW
what is the best for you but I didn't.
Well, now I do ....
Tip #119
vegetable spread in a tub is the best
Stick butter is good for baking those
occasional goodies
Stick Margarine is NEVER good!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I was sick

Last night I went out to eat. It's not that I don't eat out but I always know what I'm going to eat and what it is and how many calories it is before I go. Last night we went to a locally owned place (that is/was one of my favs).

I snacked on chips and salsa. Not nearly as many as I have done in the past, but snacked just the same! I ordered what I thought was more healthy (chicken fajitas) than I usually order.

By the time I was done I was sick and I don't mean alittle sick I mean feeling nasty sick. I don't mean sick from what I ate, but sick from eating things my body wasn't use to anymore.

It was still daylight so we walked around the square before getting in the car to head home. I was hoping that alittle exercise would make me feel better, but NO. I laid in bed and just wish I could 'rid my body' of this meal. I didn't but I fell asleep and finally woke up this morning feeling better but with the memory of that BAD BAD feeling of last night.

Thank you body for letting me know it's not good to eat like that!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Today at the Y

Today I headed to the Y after G's soccer game.

I walked the inside track a couple of times
then ran it 3 times
then alternated walking and run for the next 30 minutes.

When I was done with that
I got on the elliptical for another 30 minutes

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Summer Black Bean Salad/Salsa

All I can say... Heaven in a bowl!
I believe I love cilantro, I've never cooked with it (or mixed with it in this case) but it is perfect in this salad.

OH Oh oh I can't wait to put this on a chip, or add my Quinoa to it. This could just very well, make EVERYTHING taste better!

Summer Black Bean Salad/Salsa
3 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
3 cans shoepeg white corn, rinsed and drained
2 cucumbers, chopped
1 green, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1 yellow pepper, chopped
1 orange pepper, chopped
1 bunch of cilantro, chopped
1 bunch of green onions, chopped
3-4 tomatoes, chopped2 large avocados, chopped
Homemade Italian dressing
Basically, get ready to CHOP, CHOP, CHOP!
Dump it all in a very large bowl and mix with Italian dressing to taste (I used about half of the dressing I mixed up).

Eat as leftovers, add some baked tortilla chips and eat as salsa, pour over baked/grilled chicken or salmon.
This salad is soooo versatile and delicious.
It will be your go-to salad from now on.... oh yes it will!

150 calories per one cup

Homemade Italian Dressing
Adapted from
Dry Italian Seasonings
Mix:1 Tb garlic salt
1 Tb onion powder
1 Tb white sugar
2 Tb dried oregano
1 t ground black pepper
1/4 t dried thyme
1 t dried basil
1 Tb dried parsley
1/4 t celery salt

In a small bowl, mix together all ingredients.

For a dressing, whisk together 1/4 apple cider vinegar, 2/3 cup canola oil, 2 T water, and 2 T of the dry Italian mix.

My day off ....

Thursday is my usual day off from exercise
and goodness my body needs a break.
This week I decided that I was going to push my
exercise to the point that I did in the beginning of the Slim Down.
Now that I'm more fit the push is harder and my body
(my legs specifically)
can feel it.
I need this day!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

new exercise

Yesterday I asked 'my trainer' Michelle to show me a good setup.
She is not a fan of the traditional crunch
so she showed me her favorite abdominal exercise.
you get on the exercise ball like this

well, maybe with the ball alittle higher on your legs
and then you pull your knees up to your belly.
Rolling the ball up.
Yes, she made it look so easy. I didn't make it look so easy.
AND I can tell you that there is NOT a graceful, ladylike way to get off the ball!

hmmmm it was tasty

Yesterday I was sitting in my trainer's office, well, she was first my friend and I suppose since I don't currently pay her she is back to being my friend (we attend church together). She was eating her lunch of Quinoa and baby spinach leaves.

We got to discussing Quinoa. I'd heard Dr Oz prompt the wonders of Quinoa, but once I walked away from the TV I never thought of it again.

It's a tasty whole grain, similar to couscous only better! She had hers flavored with garlic and I tried to flavor mine with garlic but it wasn't flavored (I suppose not enough).

I had mine with fresh asparagus... goodness it was good!

April 7 ~ results

The numbers don't really tell the whole story of this week.
Remember that this past weekend was a birthday weekend and Easter.
so given that ......
- 3/4 of a pound
- zero inches
I'm elated because on Monday morning it wasn't even close to these numbers!

workout today!

Today was a cross training class day.

We spend the first 25 minutes getting our heart rates up by doing step aerobics. (I have 1 riser under my step ~ I started with nothing but after the first 5 weeks I knew I could add a riser.

Then we move on to weights strengthening our arms, legs, sit ups (on the ball). After about 10 minutes of this we go back to the step to get our heart rate back up. After about 7 minutes of step we go back to the weights and ball. This class last for 50 minutes.

Today before class the instructor encouraged us to get a heavier weight than we usually use ..... I grabbed the 12 pounders for the first time. It turned out to be an OK move.

When we were done she told us that this workout had been equivalent to 7miles! YAY!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter picture

Easter Sunday
with my boys
I believe weighing around 184
in a size L shirt!

I originally got this (a couple of months ago)
little handy dandy gadget for the blender
(for making smoothies)
but I have since fell inlove for the 'chopper' bowl.
I just rough cut my veggies(carrots, broccoli, cauliflower etc),
drop them in and press the button and presto I have
a chopped veggie salad.
I then just add dressing and it's aperfect mixed veggie salad.

April 1st deadline

Well, I didn't make it to my Goal for April 1st
BUT I'm still thrilled with my loss so farI've loss
18.75 pounds
over 13 inches
Since February 1st

When I went shopping at Christmas I was looking in the Women's Clothing. Yesterday when I was shopping I wasn't even near the Women's clothes!
YAY Yay yay ME!

Slim Down final results

Since February 1st
6 weeks ago
-15.5 pounds
-12.25 inches
of me
Not here
This time losing weight has been different my whole body lost weight. Usually I just lose weight in my hips and legs but as you can tell by the inches lost I've lost it all over!
4 inches in my chest
3.75 inches in my waist
3 inches in my hips
1.5 in my right thigh
now I'm going to keep moving so I can get to
a total of 20 pounds GONE by the end of March!
Stay Tuned....

Slim Down week #6 results

Results Week #6
-1.25 pounds
-1.75 inches

This was a shortened week
so 3 cheers for me
Yay, Yay, Yay!

Slim Down week #5 results

Results of Week #5
- 3.5 pounds
-1.5 inches

Super Yay!
things I've learned
along the way ~
Get to class early
today was too full I couldn't get in!
and just where did they come from?
Don't wear my gray shirt, stick to the white ones
the gray shows sweaty pits, sweaty neck, and the ever so lovely sweaty 'smiles' under my breast!
On my Couch to 5k it comes in handy that I didn't start on the couch!
I've had to move up faster ~ which is good!


Today I started this program.It was time to shake up my workout routine and what better way than to start running. Well, let's be honest it's mild jog! Not to be confused with a wild hog!

Slim Down week #4 results

Results week #4
-1 pound
-1.25 inches
of me GONE!
Gone! Gone! Gone!
Things I've learned
in week #4
I don't ever want to be the lady that wears her jewelry, her nice clothes and full make up while working out!
Yes, I've seen 'her' but I've not seen her perspire!
Gum is my friend
it changes the taste in my mouth, so I know that the meal is over!
I think it's time to put a riser under my step
the workout is becoming too easy
I always thought I had a 'bad leg'
all it was needed to be worked out! It's a GREAT leg!
It's still hard to find time for me
even after 4 weeks
I like to work out
but it's time to 'shake things' up with my workout.

Slim Down week #3 Results

Results #3
-1.25 pounds
-.75 inches
Have you been adding it all up?
I have!
Yay me!
Things I've learn
Week #3
I've found Broccoli Cole slaw
I have this with low fat salad dressing instead of iceberg lettuce.
I think I'm getting more 'good stuff' than plain ol' lettuce
and Campbell's V8 soups

Tomato Herb is my favorite!
and I don't like tomato soup!
and I like the Broccoli one, too
I didn't care so much for the Southwest Corn one.
This low impact class that I take MWF
is really called Cross Training!

Slim Down week #2 results

Week #2 Results
-1.5 pounds &
-2 inches!
once again
Yay Me!
Things I've learned
in week #2
*my body is adjusting to lower calories & working out*
doesn't mean it doesn't mess with my head
*I've now met all of my team in the Slim Down
I'm the youngest*
but just by a few months with Phil
but then we're about 13 years younger than the rest.
*There seem to be only a couple of us that are into the whole process*
and we lured the other 4 into it with us.
*I like my workout class*
there is a man that really jives in it
*There is a wide variety of people at the Y during the day*
including the man with the braided beard with bells at the end of it. This gives me something to think about on the elliptical machine "just how does he sleep with those long 2 belled braids?"
*I have to stick with the program*
even when my body isn't reacting.

Slim Down Week #1 results

the results
week #1
Me -6.5 pounds!
& -5 inches of me

things I've learned
week #1
*I won't die in my class*
I thought I was dying several times last week
*I have to make time for me*
every morning
*I work out harder alone*
I can stay focused
*I have to eat*
I have a routine & I stick to it
*I have more energy*
no afternoon naps anymore
I have to shave my legs more carefully*
I continually missed the same spot all last week
*I stand up straighter*
shoulders pulled back, tummy tucked
*I don't like to work out next to people that wear a scent*
I don't want my dying breathe filled with a soapy smell!
*Good music helps*
Fergie, Justin, 70's, Christina, the Peas
*My aches and pains are gone*
well, my old aches and pains
*I actually like planks*
well....lets not go over board with that!
*I can do this*
and I am

Slim Down day #1 (02/01/10)

This morning marked our first weigh in and
workout with our "Biggest Loser" type program at the local Y.
I knew what I weighed so it wasn't a surprise.

I weigh 203 pounds

my measurements are
Chest 41"
Waist 40.25"
Hip 45"
Thigh 25.75"
to my knowledge this is the biggest I've ever been!
My friend Stephanie goes at 8 and does the water aerobics.
I meet her there for an hour of working out together.
Today we did the Elliptical machine.
then I went to a low impact aerobics class.
In the middle of the class I swore I was going to die.
So it must have been doing good, right?
I made it all the way through the class.

Then I came home and got out my Calorie King program.
I love this program it makes watching what I eat a breeze.
*I paid $50 for this program eons ago and they still allow me to download new foods, BUT there is a similar program that is free. I don't recall the name right now, but if you're interested just look around.

Where it all began

In order for me to always remember where I came from (and where I could be again) here are my before pictures. They aren't pretty but they are the reality of my body.

Christmas Eve 2009

New Year's at Midnight 2010
Gotta love those Chins!
let's see how many are there in this picture,
when I'm not even trying to make them
I think I see 4!