Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm just sayin'.....

I'm just sayin' that it took me hours to get the gym today. Then only because of the fear if I didn't go I really wouldn't be able to move tomorrow.

I'm just sayin' it's bad when you decide you can 'hold it' because sitting down on the toilet will be painful AND require you to grab the tank behind you so you don't fall in!

I'm just sayin' I knew things were bad when I went to get in the van and had to pause before I lifted my leg to get in, it was a moment of silence before the pain.

I'm just sayin' that once I got to the gym, it took my a good 5 minutes of Frankenstein walking to really break loose and then it took a couple of attempts to get my legs moving enough to run.

I'm just sayin' that I could have ran all day (well maybe not), but once I stopped it took a few minutes for my muscles to tighten back up!

WOW! I won't go this long without doing squats again! I'm just sayin'
I'm just sayin' yesterday's class was a killer!

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